If you are thinking of leaving Clear Business Mobile, we would love to speak to you first so please call the team on 0161 946 4443. If your mind is already made up, you have the following options:
Text message – for 1 mobile number only
You can obtain a PAC, STAC or Switching information within 2 working days by texting ‘PAC’ to 65075, ‘STAC’ to 75075 or ‘INFO’ to 85075 from the number that you wish to switch.
You can call us on 0333 014 3131. For one mobile number only, we will provide you with a PAC or STAC immediately, or within 2 hours by text message where this is not possible.
If you want a PAC or STAC for 2 to 24 mobile numbers you will receive the codes within 2 hours by text.
You can request your switching information for up to 24 mobile numbers, we will provide this by text message or online within 2 working days.
Alternatively, you can provide us with your PAC code via our Livechat function. Just click on the speech bubble at the bottom right of this screen.