We’ll always try and do everything we can to ensure you’re completely satisfied. But we know that problems can sometimes arise.
The best way for us to resolve your complaint quickly is to call us on 0333 014 3131. If you can’t call us, you can use Live Chat or write to the Customer Care Team at Clear Business, PO Box 156, Blyth, NE24 9GH.
England Water complaints procedure
If you’ve experienced a problem with your water supply in England and would like to complain, please follow the steps below.
For issues with your water supply in Scotland, please visit Scotland Water Complaints Procedure | Clear Business.
- Your contact details (Name and Address) or simply include your account number
- Any background information on the issue
- The impact the issue is having on you
- What you would like to happen as a resolution
No matter how you get in touch, we’ll need a few things from you:
Step 1
Letting us know
Our teams are empowered to resolve complaints on the first call whenever they can. If you’ve written to us, we might need to contact you by phone for more information before we look into your complaint. Sometimes, we’ll need to speak to a third party before we can resolve your complaint, but we’ll always keep you updated on progress.*
- Offer an apology
- Explain what's happened
- Take action to put things right
- Offer compensation in appropriate circumstances
We’ll always try and resolve your complaint at the first point of contact. To resolve we’ll:
If our teams can’t resolve your complaint, it will be passed to a Team Manager.
Step 2
Trouble resolving your complaint
If your complaint can't be resolved by one of our Team Managers, it'll be passed to our Complaint team. One of the team will acknowledge your complaint and complete a full review. Further investigation may be needed but you’ll be kept updated every step of the way.
Step 3
If things haven't been resolved to your satisfaction
Commitment to provide alternative dispute resolution services free of charge to Customers
Commitment to support the principles set out in the DRO Agreement
Commitment to respect the independence of the DRO
Commitment to be bound by decision of an Adjudicator if accepted by Customer and to implement decision as required by Scheme Rule
Commitment to co-operate with and have due regard to the recommendations of the industry advisory panel
Commitment to provide accurate and reliable information to and co-operate with the Adjudicator
If you’re still unhappy after we’ve completed our review and investigation, or your complaint isn’t resolved after 8 weeks, you can ask CCW (formerly the Consumer Council for Water) to help. CCW manages mediation and final adjudication of disputes with additional independent support from the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman (DRO). You can visit www.ccw.org.uk to find out more, or contact them on 0300 034 2222.