My card machine is down!

Here’s how to fix it with four options.

business owner on the phone to his payments provider to resolve a payment issue

When your card machines go down, it can feel incredibly stressful. Card machines, after all, are what keep card payments coming in and your company ticking over - especially if you run a brick-and-mortar business.

With so many types of card readers out there, we unfortunately can’t advise a one-step-fits-all solution. However, if you’re in a pinch, these common issues and fixes cover how most card readers work - including ours - and should resolve the issue, getting you back online and accepting card payments in no time.

Why are my card machines down?

Before attempting to fix and reset your card machines, you’ll need to identify the exact issue that’s caused the system to fail.

Here are some common faults:

●       Faulty or dead battery (at surface level, first check that the card machine is fully charged; if it is and your system is still down, jump ahead to option 2 below)

●       Damage to the device or faulty hardware (say the card reader has been dropped or the wiring, if any, has become loose)

●       Outdated software (like most other digital devices, most card readers require software updates - so check yours are up to date)

●       Site-wide connectivity problems (for example, power cuts, disruptions with your business broadband internet connection, phone lines being down)

More than likely, these four technical issues will be why your card machine is not working. If it’s just a one-off, then the below fixes should help to get your payment solution back online.

However, if any one of the issues is a recurring problem, you will likely need to get in touch with the customer service team of the manufacturer (or your utilities provider should it be the final point) for a longer term solution.

How to reset a card machine: 4 troubleshooting fixes

Right, so you’ve identified the fault - now here’s how to reset a card machine.

You may find carrying out one of these fixes does the trick, or you may need to troubleshoot a few of these recommendations to get your card machines working again.

Option 1: Restart your card machine

This is the first thing you should do. As with most digital devices, the old ‘have you tried turning it off and on again?’ applies here.

Restarting (or rebooting) your card machine should refresh the operating system. In doing so, you’ll be starting a new power cycle, which can clear a good number of technical errors.

Option 2: Remove the battery

Issues with the battery amount to a good portion of card machine faults. First, check that your card machine is charged as the issue may simply be that it doesn’t have enough juice. If it’s beneath 25%, certain functions - like connectivity and printing receipts - may not work.

If that doesn’t appear to be the issue though, removing the battery entirely is the next step. Remove it and wait at least 60 seconds before re-inserting it to get back online.

Then perform option 1, and perform a reboot on the card machine.

Important note: If you have a countertop card machine or one that’s connected to your mains power supply, please ensure that its cables are unplugged from both the card machine and charging base before removing the battery.

Option 3: Refill the till roll

Receipts are an important part of commerce. As a merchant, you have a payment obligation to print a merchant copy of the transaction. This is a minimum requirement.

Your card machine - also called PDQ machines will likely be installed with a sensor, which informs the device whenever the till roll is empty. As such, it’s important that you check the cartridge and put in a new roll if needed. If not, you’ll likely see a card reader error code.

Did you know: If you’re running a limited company, you should store records of transactions for a minimum of 6 years by law.

Option 4: Check for software updates

Like most digital devices, card readers also require software updates to stay compatible with any new features and maintain a high level of security.

If your card machine is suddenly not working, check to see that you haven’t missed an update. Ensuring your machines are running on the latest software will resolve a number of bugs in one fell swoop.

Still not working?

If your card machines are still down following these fixes, contact us today to speak to our Clear Business payments team - we will be more than happy to help! Simply give us a call on 0333 014 3131 and we’ll work with you to get back online.

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